Once upon a time there was a school that never let people breathe. That school was Plum Canyon Elementary School in the Saugus District. The school never let anyone take off their masks during the pandemic. One day some students stopped wearing masks and I joined them. We were sent to the science lab and stayed there God knows how many days, and after a while, got sick of it. We felt like they were actually trying to make us suffer, and by suffer I really mean sit there with hardly any work to do and if I do have work I would finish it very quickly.
After three days I began to think they are in fact tricking me and everyone not wearing a mask. They said that every time you go inside a room that is indoors, you have to wear a mask. At this point I'm debating if I should do just that, or not follow the rules at all!
After days and days of hard work, I actually felt like a prisoner. I really wish I was back in class without a mask on my face, but you gotta do what you got to do to help those 900 kids or more.
THE END…… or is it? :(